2012년 2월 3일 금요일

30 things about me

Hi Mr. Garrioch!
I finally got the time to do your homework, now that SAT ended:) Thank god!

Here it goes:

1. I was born as the youngest child in my family. I have had small and big diseases while I was growing up. I had frequent headaches and I was not able to go to the bathroom easily. After lots of visits to the hospital, my parents found out that I had a minor blood vessel disorder in my brain and also that my bladder would not work in a proper way. I got treatments until I was ten. I still have migraine a lot but fortunately, now I can go to the bathroom as much as I want to.
2. I have a strong border line between what I like and don't like. If I like something, I express it. If I don't like something, I express it as well. This is NOT a good hobby - I found out after various troubles between my friends and me.
3. I try hard to be funny. It sounds weird, I know. But I somewhat figured that the best way to become friends with someone is to make that person laugh. This strategy does work, you know.
4. I may not be the easiest person to handle. I am very fussy about almost every thing you can think of. I "need" to make everything as perfect as possible. I get ticks when something does not go the way I want it to go:( haha
5. I have a loud voice. Not that it is physically loud, but that I am very certain in my viewpoints and that I am not afraid to express them. However, I also listen well to other people's opinions, too.

6. I am interested in how people think and how they tend to react to a certain stimulus. It is fascinating to think that a person's emotion is a product of some hormone reactions. Some people may say that emotions must be thought apart from chemical reactions, since they are "sacred." But, nah, I'm a science person and I prefer to think them as complex work of science.

7. I never liked physics before I entered KMLA. I thought it was the most boring subject in the whole world. However, after studying it, the fact that a movement can be explained in such simple equations fascinated me. Even the most awkward action can be explained - How fun!

8. I'm a science person, and I will major in one of the science fields. Chemistry, the basic of all sciences, interests me the most. I think it's one of the most dynamic science. Explosions and exotic reactions interests me a lot!

9. I like making stuff. By stuff, I mean everything. Since I was able to grab somnething in my hands, I've been making things. I make dolls, clothes, and accessories. I knit mufflers and I am able to 'DIY' just about everything. Whenever I get bored of studying, I would grab something near me and create something out of it. I tend to spend most of my money on this creative activity, too. But I think it is worth it.

10. I like cleaning. Cleaning is my life. Seriously. I like to clean my room and change arrangement of the furnitures in the room. It gives me a refreshing start to begin studying. And I just like to make things clean and tidy. However, some people find this very disturbing because I constantly clean. But I guess being clean is never more better than being dirty.

11. I like playing computer games. My all-time-favorite game is Sims. I played it since the day it was introduced in Korea. Besides Sims, I play numerous games but not the games which involve killing and shooting... not my kind of a thing, I guess.

12. I love collecting cosmetics. I don't use them often, but I like to buy them and stack them on my desk for decoration. Cosmetic bottles are so pretty to look at, and they smell good, too.

13. I like planting. I used to have six pots of herbs in my dorm. But when I carried them over to my home, they all dried up and died :( But still, there are lots of plants growing in my home, it feels almost like a jungle in here.

14. I like singing and dancing. I was the head of the musical club and it was the coolest experience ever. I don't think that I sing and dance that well, but I like them anyways:)

15. I love libraries. I like books, too, but I like the library more. I like how it is so quiet and I like the smell of old books. I was the head of the library department, and I loved it.

16. coupons
It sounds odd but I like collecting coupons. They make me happy without any reasons. I had a huge box of coupons but my mom threw them away. I'm currently starting a new collection. (Talking of collections, I collect stickers, too.)

17. My parents make jokes that if I excell in one thing, that will be sleeping. I can sleep anytime, anywhere. I never tested how many hours I can sleep nonstop. I'm planning to test it this year after all the exams.

18. I like thinking about complex issues. While thinking, I am able to steady my thoughts and develop ideas. I like to sit or lie in my bed and think about the problems I am having, or world issues.

19. I like listening to people.
It is interesting to see how people can have varying opinions about the same topic. I like hearing about them.

20. I like talking to people.
I do not just absent-mindedly listen to what they have to say. I like expressing my opinions, too.

21. I like collecting accessories.

22. I like math.
I like solving math problems because they have definite answers, unlike literature. However, I do not like classes forcing me to solve them - it takes the fun out of it, I think.

23. I hate loud noises. I do not like noise making things or people. Loud noises irritate me a lot. I would rather stay in my room alone then go visit somewhere crowded with people.

24. I hate dirtiness. Dirty places and dirty people I cannot stand. I do not really understand how some people can be so untidy and unclean.

25. I do not really like small children. Babies and kids love me, but I cannot say that I love them back. They make too much noise and I don't like it when they cling on to me.. But I like watching them from a distacne.

26. I do not like impolite people. Who would? Anyways, when I see some kids who treat their parents or teachers badly, I cannot resist my urge to punch them in the face. Hooray for corporal punishment, I say. Thoses children need a lesson of their lives.

27. I'm not good at memorizing.
I forget things very easily. So I keep a notebook to write down everything that I need to remember.

28. I hate discrimination. I believe that all people are created equal and nobody should be treated differently. I guess I'm sort of a feminist - not in an extreme way, though. However, I feel strong resentment toward those who underestimate the power of women. Who run the world? GIRLS!

29. religion
I am an atheist and I'm proud of it. I am fine with God or god or Buddha or any other people that people believe in. However, I do not like it when people get so overly sensitive about what other people believe in. Somebody said, "I like god, but it's his fan club that I cannot stand." Well, that's the case with me, too. If people put less time building fancy churches out of gold, we would have enough money to feed all those people who are starving.

30. Okay, here is something that I've kept inside me for a few years. Fun story, now to think of it. I had a boyfriend when I was fifteen. He was five years older than me and I loved (or liked, don't know) him more than anything. The relationship was kept hidden from my parents. But one day, the hand-written letter that I sent to him returned to my home and my mom received that mail.  A huge, HUGE disaster happened with me crying my head off and my mom and dad yelling at me. My dad called my bf and told him to stop contacting me. They took my phone, my computer, and they set up a surveilence camera in the living room (true story. It's still there, even though it is not turned on). This was the biggest incident I had ever made. I sort of regret it. Sometimes, being in puberty can really mess you up.