2011년 2월 24일 목요일

About Micheal Moore's "Join My High School Newspaper"

Michael Moore worte a letter to high school students to indicate that he is making a special place in his websiste for publishing ideas from them.
Though his suggestion is quite reasonable, I do not buy his way of expressing his thoughts.
He exaggerates too much.
Him saying lots of adjectives made me want to stop reading.
He might do a good job in persuading egocentric teenagers...but not people like me.

His idea of making high school newspaper is very attractive.
However, the reason I find this appealing is just because I will get "another" chance to publically post my opinions, not that I do not have anywhere else to.
Even though I am a student, I never felt that I do not have rights to post my opinions or say them aloud.
I've always played a important role in making decisions in my family.
My parents did not stop me from speaking out loud.
(I do not know what happens in American families, but I do not think that it is alot different.)
The case in the school is slightly different, but there are adequate reasons.
The school may restrict students from posting some opinions in the school newspaper.
However, since the school is a place where lots of people with lots of opinions gather, it is the school authorities' duty to adjust the differences.
One of the ways is to prevent the publishing of too colored opinions.
Besides, there are plenty of websites where one can express one's opinion.
For example, there are "Nate Pann"(Korean website for personal opinions), blogs, and even facebook.
There is no reason why the school newspaper should be the only place for one's thoughts.

Michael seems to encourage students to have negative opinions against the grown ups.
I think that it is he who is implanting bias in us.
He is trying to persuade us that all adults regard teenagers as not fully grown up and therefore do not have the right to express opinions.
Easy to say, but can you prove it? (Without making up ridiculous statistics?)

I have come up with three motions relating to this issue.

#1. THB: School newspapers must be censored by teachers.
#2. THS: The right of teenagers to vote.
#3. THS: The publicaton of political tencendies on school newspapers.

2011년 2월 12일 토요일

About "The Story of Stuff"

Annie Leonard, a passionate environmentalist, filmed a contriversial video clip, titled "The Story of Stuff."
Even though the video clip is thoroughly effective in acknowledging environmental issues,
the problems arose in the fact the it is TOO effective.
Leonard uses rather strong words in showing her opinions about the process of manufacturing.

I certainly agree on the fact that this video clip is capable of acknowledging people about the harmfulness of matufacture processes.
However, I say "no" on using this in schools to educate children.
Unlike adults or people who are capable of establishing one's own beliefs, children absorb almost every information that are given to them without any doubt.
This video can play a harmful effect in blocking children from thinking about environment themselves.
Since its language is so powerful and opinionistic, it can "brainwash" the children.
Plus, Leonard herself, exaggerates the facts to make them sound deadly.
For instance, she emphasizes on the fact that the manufacturing process contains tons of harmful chemicals.
However, there are companies which are anti-chemicals.
Also, since the nations care sufficiently alot about the pollution the factories cause, the companies are putting even more care in disposing waste.
She seems to ignore such tries to stand firm on HER POINT OF VIEW.

While watching the video, I was constantly thinking-if everything is so harmful, the development, the manufacturing process, the ways the people live, how are we going to live?
If she is against manufacturing, what is she going to wear, what is she going to eat, and where is she going to live in?
How are we going to live without all these manufacturing?
Is she suggesting that we could all go back to the primitive state and live in the Amazon?
Her points SEEM reasonable, but when you come to think of it, it is just so idealistic.

I have thought of three motions to debate according to this video clip.

#1. THS: the education of children based on User Created Contents(UCC).
#2. THB: the manufacturing process must be put to an end.
#3. THB: User Created Contents(UCC) are effect tools for confirming one's ideas.