2011년 6월 10일 금요일

CR#6.5 It's your problem, not the phone's.

     Firstly, sorry about being late. There has been lots of stuff bothering my mind and I just had to calm down a little before starting all my works.

     Young Soo has chosen the topic, development in communication technology makes people more lonely. This kind of issue has been handled numerous times and each time I saw the article, I felt thoroughly cynical. The reasons I will provide in the following.

     The definition of "loneliness" must be established before discussing any further. Being lonely is a completely different matter from being obsessed. When Sherry Turkle talks about parents looking into their phones 24/7 and children not being able to function properly without their cellphones, that's more of an obsession problem. If you say that you feel lonely due to the easiness of communication provided by the new technology, you happen to prove yourself that you are just too vulnerable of being affected by such gadgets. The reason why anyone would feel lonely is because a person would rely too much on one's phones. Because one is so obsessed in one's phones, they tend to believe that they are going to be left alone without their phones. Is it the technology's fault? No, I do no think so. It is the individual's fault for being too easy. Millions of people uses smart phones and social networking services. Do they ALL feel lonely when detached from such tech? No. I don't.

     Sherry Turkle gives her speech in the premise that what is communicated through  social networking services cannot have much weight. She talks in a mood that only light issues are dealt in such devices. I believe that it is not true.
1. The social networking system has made it easier for people to say things that they are too much embarassed to say face-to-face. Before my dad and I started Cacao Talk, my dad never really told me how he felt. Now that he has a handy way of communicating with me, he tells me that he loves me, todos los dias.
2. The social networking system has abled you to communicate with people whom you would just have forgotten if without the help of such services. When I signed up for Facebook, I was really surprised that my elementary school friends have added me as a friend. I would not have been able to contact them if it wasn't for Facebook.
3. As what Sherry Turkle has mentioned, such communication system has made it able for people to think more before speaking, or writing about an issue. Because of this unlimited time given, people are able to talk about serious issues more thoroughly.

So 'development in technology has made people more lonely' talk, in my perspective, is a loser's talk. It's just like proving yourself that you do not have that much of a control over yourself. It's proving yourself that you are letting yourself get addicted to your phone.
"It's Your Fault!"

댓글 1개:

  1. Nice arguments. I kind of agree. At times I wonder if a lot of these TED talks are really all that illuminating. I was kind of confused by Turkle's use of "lonely." You are right. Obsession is a more realistic term to use. You might not feel anxious without your phone, but I feel like I am missing something without one, and I rarely get or make calls. I think our social expectations and demands have been collectively raised by technology. It used to be you'd send a letter to someone, and expect a reply within a month. Now, you send a message or text and if it takes more than an hour for someone to reply...you start to wonder. After an entire day...you get angry. Work can follow you when you play. Play can follow you when you work. It's too easy to get distracted.

    So I agree with you and Turkle. Good post. How come you didn't talk about Catfish?
