2011년 3월 29일 화요일

30 days of "not doing ANYTHING"

     Every KMLA students seem to complain about all the works they have to do. The ridiculous amount of homework, quizzes, and presentations are killing them. Other people complain about the amount of the works they have, too. Most businessmen hate to go to work. Many children shudder at the fact that they have to go to school for at least twelve years. However, they are underestimating the importance of those works. Here, I suggest a perfect project, not only for KMLA students, but also for those who do not appreciate the thankfulness of "having something to do."
     The project will be, "not doing anything for 30 days." The procedure is simple. You will not be able to do anything except eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom. You will stay at home, and not go to work or to school. You will not be allowed to go shopping, doing exercise, or going to beauty salons. You will get all the rest you longed for! What a perfect chance.
     However, the purpose of this project is not just taking enough rest. The true meaning of not doing anything is for you to understand the beauty of doing something. Old quotes say that your hands must be always busy. My grandparents used to tell me that people will feel very depressed when having nothing to do. They will not be able to find a meaning in their lives. If KMLA students are to join in this project, they will be able to acknowledge the school's purpose of making them work alot.
     There are some Korean words indicating those people who just stay at home and do nothing.  He or she is called a 건어물남(gun-a-mul-nam) or a 백수(baek-su) if it's a he, and 건어물녀(gun-a-mul-nue) or 백조(baek-jo) if it's a she. The picture above, is a typical gun-a-mul-nam. They are regarded as social harms and are told to children by their parents to never become one of those kinds. This project will help children to have an actual idea of how boring the life is when you do not have a job or a goal.
     Just for fun, I attach a UCC portraiting a Baek-su. A lady is bragging about his son, saying that he got accepted into a well-known company. She says that she lives in the enjoyment of raising her children. Just then, her son comes out of the closet. The last line says, "What else enjoyment would you have now?" It is supposed to be funny.......haha

2011년 3월 13일 일요일

CR#3. Education Kills Creativity

     Lots of students in Korea grumble that the school education is ruining them. They always complain that the school is teaching them stuff that they do not need in the future. They always think that they will be able to do well even without the school education. I used to think that way, too. I thought that the overall education of public schools restrict my abilities-which can be considered creativity. However, I learned in KMLA, to think in a different perspective. Education is crucial in raising creativity.
     Even though you might think that you do not need math skills to excel in playing guitar, it is not true. Creativity does not come from bare ground. Let's think. Consider Thomas Edison. He is thought as the icon of creativity. He came up with various sorts of inventions and provided the world with convinience. However, was he uneducated? Hard to say yes. Even though he did drop out of school, he learned scientific knowledge thorugh countless experiments. Creativity of Edison did not pop out like what many people want these days.
     Yes, learning things you don't like can be very irritating. However, I say that those things you learn now will help someday in the future. Those knowledge will become stepping stones for you to enlarge your skills.

2011년 3월 1일 화요일

Debate Motions

#1. THB: Morning exercise in KMLA has more benefits than disadvantages.
#2. THS: Practice of abortion.
#3. THB: Corporal punishment must be banned.
