2011년 3월 1일 화요일

Debate Motions

#1. THB: Morning exercise in KMLA has more benefits than disadvantages.
#2. THS: Practice of abortion.
#3. THB: Corporal punishment must be banned.


댓글 4개:

  1. I like them all. Number two might need some situational adjustments. Number three is classic.

  2. i am more than willing to debate ur first motion
    you and i know which side we're all going to be on!! :)

  3. i think there should be one day a week - Wednesday - where you don't have M.E. and can sleep in until 8 - classes starting at 9:30. This would let you guys catch up on sleep, and why have morning exercise when you have sports day anyways???

  4. I know! I think morning exercise has lost its meaning. It just makes everyone feel even more tired-since the P.E. teacher is meaner in the morning.
