2012년 3월 7일 수요일

Personal essay - revised version (1)

In the Right Place, on the Track
12v3 101039 Da Yeon Ryoo

     A speck of dust on my desk will be enough to get me going. Cookie crumbs on the floor will immediately put a broom in my hand. Always after visiting someplace, a long and good shower is needed for me to feel comfortable again.
I am a cleaning-addict.
     There is a rule I have for cleaning: I believe there is a right place for every object to belong. When I clean, I put those objects in their places – it’s as simple and easy as that. Books are organized by height and cosmetics according to use. The closet is tidied color wise, starting from reddish clothes to blackish ones. And when certain things are out of their original spots, I get uneasy feelings until I clean them up.
Why am I so obsessed with getting things neat? Well, I believe it’s because of the time when I was in middle school. Back then, I was uncontrollable. I rejected all the rules that came upon me and rebelled to the authorities trying to settle me down. I had my own way of acting and that way was “no way.” I slept during classes and when I was not, I read comic books or sent text messages to my boyfriend. I befriended the school bullies and took part in their activities such as carving swear words all over the school and harassing those kids who looked nerdy. I did not know where I was heading to in my future. I did not have much thought.
But then I had a huge ugly fight with my parents. They were unhappy about me having a boyfriend and hiding it away from them. They did not want me to continue dating him because he was too old for me and also because I had to serve my duties as a student. I plugged my ears while standing in front of them and yelled at them that I did not care. I yelled that I am going to do want I want to do and that only. Then the most heartbreaking incident even until now happened. They cried.
I could not sleep that night. I had to think about what went wrong with me, from when and how. I thought of the reckless actions I did for the past years. I thought about my parents’ tears. It was the first time they cried in front of me. Then I realized that I had nothing inside me to judge myself upon. I was lacking the order and rules. And I needed them. I decided that night that I am going to make rules for myself.
     The first priority that I put was studying. My grades were abysmal and they had to be saved badly. I started to regard classes seriously and I never slept in class again. I previewed and reviewed the text until I understood it completely. I set a goal, too. I wanted, for the first time in my life, to be one of the top ten students in the school. Although it seemed impossible, the thought of being in that place kept me going. My grades sky-rocketed and the people around me started to see me differently.
     My next big step was to make a lot of friends. While keeping in good relationship with my formal bad-buddies, I tried hard to talk to other students that I previously never even looked at. I asked them questions about the class and I offered them to eat lunch with me. It did not work out that well, actually, regarding all the horrible things I did to them before. However, I at least succeeded in showing them that I was a different person.
     Around this time I started cleaning because I learned how much tidying and keeping things in order can improve me. I found out the right place for me and it was time to find the right places for the things surrounding me so that I would never let myself down and messy again. I was on my track and until now I am running on it as vibrantly as ever.

댓글 6개:

  1. I really enjoy your writing style. It's honest and to the point, and never beats around the bush.

    Three things I like:

    1. The humorous accessible tone. It moves quickly and gets my attention. Admission's officers love this kind of writing I bet, because they likely see a lot of writers trying to outdo themselves. Your tone is a strength, so hold on to that.

    2. The stuff about messing up in middle school says a lot. I think many students will have different opinions on the extent of detail you include. But there are elements of testimony and really being honest that are admirable.

    3. The "bookend" is a good way to go with keeping life "clean." Everything in it's right place. Have you heard that song? It's by Radiohead.

    Things to improve:

    1. The stuff you did in middle school - being a baddy. Maybe soften some of it or legitimize it a little? Why were you like that? There should be more to it - this temporary rebellion. Every teen rebels even if they don't know it. Even the best teen shows some form of rebellion. You MAYBE need to illustrate this more carefully so as not to scare admissions officers. I think you should get second opinions though. I might be too careful.

    2. The "bookend" is good but might need strengthening. It seems a bit abrupt and random because you basically scooped out the middle of the essay and plopped in something different. Sometimes an entirely new draft is needed to really connect things.

    3. The moment where your parents cry - it's kind of the big moment and I think you could dig deeper and make it more impactful.

    All in all, this was a fun read and I enjoyed it. I look forward to discussing this one in class. It's quite "brave" and is a good example of that.

  2. I think I already mentioned this in another class, but I would like you to narrow your focus of topics. This is almost like a condensed report of your life-I'd like to see you from one aspect per essay. You have a lots of good things in this one-just divide them up for multiple different essays.

  3. Overall, fun to read! The topic is unique. Maybe if you wrote a bit more about why your parents cried and how you felt about them at that moment, your essay will be even better. And, at the later part of the essay, you might broaden your topic more because I could kind of expect what would come next. Make it a little more dramatic. HaHa! One more thing. I really like your style of writing. Want to follow it actually, if I can.

  4. The writing is good and it is focusing on the topic well. But it seems it has too many stories to elaborate, why don't u cut up some stories? It would improve the essay, letting people who read to know you better.

  5. This essay tells who you are :) and that's the strong point of your essay. I think you well connected your "addiction" in cleaning to your own personality. The essay is in balance between the anecdotes and points you want to convey to readers. I just want to know more about your own ideas, viewpoints, and philosophy, that can be somewhat more deep and profound that will really "WOW" readers.

  6. I like your essay! It keeps the reader hooked from the beginning to the end.. Smooth transition to cleaning to your past and your changes. I'm not really sure what to suggest...
    Read other peers' comments and revise. Nice work!
