3: Spanish poet Antonio Machado wrote, "Between living and dreaming there
is a third thing. Guess it" Give us your guess.
To live is to act. It is to do something,
anything at all that involves physical movements. A living creature will
constantly walk, crawl, swim, or squirm to get to somewhere or just for no
reason. Living is moving.
To dream is to think. It is to use the
brain to think about something, anything at all that comes to mind. A dreaming
creature will constantly use its brain to make plans or remember something or
just for no reason. Dreaming is thinking.
For most people, the connection between
acting and thinking is smooth. It flows from one side to the other without much
difficulty. The two worlds exist as if they are same entities, so some people
are able to act and think at the same time. However, sometimes, the interaction
does not occur so naturally. There is something between living and dreaming
that interrupts the flow. It is not something obsolete and concrete, for most
of the times it does not exist. Then what could it be? What would be the barrier
that filters connection intermittently? What causes people to halt between
thinking and carrying out what they thought?
Brain farting is to be confused. It is to
forget something, something as trivial as going to sleep, unintentionally. Like
regular farting, Brain farting does not occur with a pattern. It just happens
some time of the day without any warning. The brain fart zone exists between
living and dreaming as a semi permeable film.
Have you ever had an experience when you
open the refrigerator door and realize that you don’t remember what you were
going to do? Have you ever suddenly forgotten to ride a bicycle, something that
you were so good at before? Have you ever looked at your best friend’s face and
just before you were going to call her name, you do not remember what it was?
Yes, your brain was farting back then, exuding gases everywhere in your brain.
To live is to act, to act is to know what
you are doing, to know is to have thought about it before, and to think is to
dream. However, somewhere in this process your brain might decide to take a
break and let out a squeak.
Some well written interesting stuff here. I like the last paragraph about brain farting the most. The only issue I have with your response is the complexity. No where do you clearly answer the prompt, and the ideas you start with are a bit too heavy, and require slow/rereading to get the connection. So try and set the table in a more accessible way.